Monday, December 2, 2013

Happy Thanksgiving!

This year we spent Thanksgiving week in Aztec and had a great time.  We actually flew out of Houston at 5:40 IN THE MORNING!!!  We left our house before 3 a.m.!!  The differences in our girls were ever apparent at that hour...Emerson jumped out of bed with a smile on her face ecstatic about seeing everybody; Braelyn looked at us like we were nuts!  When we landed in Durango there was snow everywhere so Emerson insisted that Papa stop at "snow mountain" before heading to their house!  We had so much fun just getting to relax all week with Grandma, Papa, Uncle Jeremy, Aunt Kristi, Tanner, and Keaton.  It was a very relaxing week other than the four of us spread a cold around that Shawn caught right before we left.  We let the girls share the bed in Aunt Sissy's old room, which was the first time they have shared a bed.  It was so cute because Braelyn is such a cuddler that she was practically on top of Emerson...2 nights she got so close to her she actually pushed her off the bed!  We watched lots of movies, lots of football, and ate a ton!  The girls even got to spend one morning at Uncle Jeremy and Aunt Kristi's house to help them decorate for Christmas.  The week was great until the flight home.  We have never been on a scarier flight than the one going into Denver but are very thankful all turned out fine!

In such good spirits for 3:30 a.m.!  Certainly looking more awake than Mom and Dad!

Grandma, B, and Em getting their snowballs ready to throw at Daddy and Papa!

Grandma, I think I might need some gloves before we try this again!

The night we got there we had barbecue for dinner at Jeremy and Kristi's.  Em got to play games on the iPad with Aunt Kristi after she ate.

It was freezing the whole time we were there, EXCEPT Thanksgiving Day, so we took advantage of the warmer weather and did a Thanksgiving picnic!

Jeremy cooked wings for everybody and they were awesome!

I am thankful for my big girl...

and my B!

B snuggling with Grandma after her nap.

Uncle Jeremy and Em

Despite our efforts to teach B to go down the stairs on her behind, we took a few tumbles.  This was our worst war wound!

They were so excited when Aunt Kristi came to pick them up to go decorate their tree!

Tanner, Keaton, and Em being silly!  Is that a princess tiara on Tanner?!

Looks like they got some good practice and will be ready to work on ours when we get home!

Keaton, Braelyn, and Tanner

Tanner and Keaton taught Em how to play video games!

Emerson all snuggled up watching movies with Grandma and Aunt Kristi.

Braelyn's reaction when Grandma told her to smile for a picture!

I think Braelyn would have gone home with Aunt Kristi every night without hesitating if we had let her!

Tanner and Braelyn having ice cream sandwiches

Papa and Braelyn

Papa and his "Peanut"

Grandma, Sweet Pea, and Punkin Puss

Grandma and Papa with all their grands in one place!

More video games!

Completely worn out!

When we got back to the car in Houston, I think they were both out before we could hit the interstate!

1 comment:

Uncle Jeremy and Aunt Kristi said...

So glad you all came! We had so much fun. I wish we lived closer, so we could do that more often. Love you all!