Tuesday, August 18, 2009


Wow...Emerson is 6 months old today!!!! She is soooo much fun right now. Shawn and I truly fall more in love with her everyday. It is amazing to watch her grow and change-it seems like she learns something new everyday. I really think that she is the happiest baby that I have ever known. She is all smiles the majority of the time. She is so adorable as she is learning to crawl...she is still not completely coordinated with it but it is amazing how fast she is picking it up. Unfortunately part of her birthday involved getting shots but she even left there smiling and laughing. She weighed 18 pounds 8 ounces(90%) and was 28 inches long(off the charts!). The doctor said that for her age she is very advanced(but we already knew that right?!) and said that we don't have to see him again until 9 months.

I could be a little biased but is she cute or what?!

Crawling to try and get the camera!

Poor baby...4 shots!!! Not exactly a good birthday present!

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Baby on the Move!

Well, we are coming up on milestones a little faster than I am ready for. Just this past week Emerson learned how to get into a sitting position by herself. Shawn and I were wanting to peek in at her sleeping one morning. We opened her door as quietly as we could and were ready to tip toe in to see but as soon as we opened the door we saw the little princess sitting up in her bed waiting for us. This new talent progressed through the week and she started trying to pull on the bumper to get up even higher so our first project today was to lower her mattress. The other milestone that is just a little too much is that she is CRAWLING!!!!! She is still not real quick about it and not completely coordinated but she is getting better by the minute today. She will more than likely be all over the place by the end of the week. This brought about our next project for the day-attaching our bookshelves to the wall and putting latches on cabinet doors. Is this really all happening?! It was a fun weekend. My mom and Patsy came down to help out after the exhausting week we had. Patsy stocked the fridge with food while my mom played hard with Em giving Mom and Dad a much needed nap and a chance to sleep in this morning. It was GREAT. Also, I was able to go with Shawn last night to "Meet the Bears" to officially kick off a new football season!

I thought it was hilarious when she got herself in this position, she wasn't exactly sure how to get out of it.

This doesn't even look like the same baby to me anymore! She is changing every day.

Mom, enough with the pictures, I am trying to play my music!

She kept herself occupied with her basket of toys while we babyproofed!

Thursday, August 6, 2009

A Sad First

Well, unfortunately we are in the midst of our first sickness. It started as a rash so we were off to the doctor yesterday. Of course with a rash it is a little hard to pinpoint what the problem is. He wasn't worried because she really didn't have any other symptoms and no fever. He thought it could possibly be an allergy to sweet potatoes but doubted it. This morning she woke up at 5:45-VERY unlike her and was very congested. She has yucky eyes and a yucky nose. The saddest part of it all is she didn't even catch it at daycare-she got it from me! All that to say, you would never know it if you didn't look really close to see the eyes, nose, and rash because she is just as happy as always! Oh by the way, they weighed her at the dr-18 pounds, 2 ounces! Will she ever slow down with the growing?!

I wish I was this happy when I was sick!