Thursday, August 6, 2009

A Sad First

Well, unfortunately we are in the midst of our first sickness. It started as a rash so we were off to the doctor yesterday. Of course with a rash it is a little hard to pinpoint what the problem is. He wasn't worried because she really didn't have any other symptoms and no fever. He thought it could possibly be an allergy to sweet potatoes but doubted it. This morning she woke up at 5:45-VERY unlike her and was very congested. She has yucky eyes and a yucky nose. The saddest part of it all is she didn't even catch it at daycare-she got it from me! All that to say, you would never know it if you didn't look really close to see the eyes, nose, and rash because she is just as happy as always! Oh by the way, they weighed her at the dr-18 pounds, 2 ounces! Will she ever slow down with the growing?!

I wish I was this happy when I was sick!

1 comment:

The Goforths said...

Sweet baby... I hope she's feeling better soon!