Friday, November 28, 2014

The Whole Brooks Crew

Other than the wedding pictures, the last time we tried to take family pictures was the Thanksgiving after Keaton was born.  Needless to say it was time for an update!

Thanksgiving Fun

After lots of fun in Houston with Jeremy, Kristi, and the boys, we hopped in the car and all headed up 45 to keep the fun going at Mikala and Russ' house.  This was the first time since their wedding that the entire family as able to be together.  We had a great time(and ate way too much good food!).  Thanks for having us Aunt Sissy and Uncle Russ!!!

Aunt Sissy reading Braelyn a story for a little R&R when we got to town.

Em and Keat playing games

Me and my sweet sister-in-law

I love this girl SO very much!

B still getting spoiled by Aunt Kristi and Uncle Jeremy!

Yikes!  Tanner and Aunt Sissy

Emerson hanging out with Uncle Russ

Uncle Jeremy being a VERY bad influence on Braelyn-you better turn those horns upside down before Daddy catches you!

All the cousins piled on Aunt Sissy's lap

It is a shame that they don't have fun together!

Keaton, Braelyn, and Em showing Grandma how to play games on the iPad

Grandma, Braelyn, and Aunt Sissy

We had quite the feast!

The girls were so excited about getting to help Aunt Sissy decorate her Christmas tree Thursday night.

Funny Faces!

Pre-Thanksgiving Fun

We were so excited that Jeremy, Kristi, Tanner, and Keaton got to come down to visit us before we all headed up to Mikala's for Thanksgiving.  They got in to town on Sunday night and we had so much fun just hanging out until we left on Wednesday morning.

Needless to say, the girls were beyond excited when they got to the house!

Uncle Jeremy and Em

Uncle Jeremy and B

We decided to go ahead and celebrate Christmas while we were at it!

They gave the girls the sweetest little books...

...and cutest outfits!

Thursday, November 20, 2014

Em's Thanksgiving Feast

I was so worried about not being able to be in two places at once as this was our first Thanksgiving the girls are at two different schools.  Thankfully Emerson's "feast" was at snack time so I was able to make it over there after Braelyn's lunch.  The class had a snack of turkey lunch meat, apples, candy corn, and popcorn.  They each got five candy corn when they listed five things they were thankful for.  Emerson's five things were all about her family-she managed to cover me, Shawn, Braelyn, grandparents, cousins, aunts, uncles and a few others by grouping into categories for each of the five things!  So sweet!

Every time Em and Parker try to get a picture, Kyciara comes running!

Em and Ms. Krakow

A Charlie Brown Thanksgiving

The building construction at First Baptist is having an effect on many of First Kids' traditions.  Much like the pow-wow, the traditional Thanksgiving lunch got moved to a new location therefore they weren't able to go all out with the typical traditional Thanksgiving feast which led to "a Charlie Brown Thanksgiving"!  It was held in the youth center and the adults had Subway and the kids had Chick-fil-a nuggets.  Dean put bowls of popcorn, jelly beans, and pretzels on the tables which all of us failed to make the connection that that was the feast on the Charlie Brown movie!  It didn't matter to any of us what we ate it was just special getting to be there with the little ones we are so very thankful for!

Not quite sure she looks like a pilgrim but pretty stinkin' cute nonetheless!

I love being able to share these times with my sweet girl!

Saturday, November 15, 2014


Emerson got an invitation to Natasha's 6th birthday party.  Natasha was one of her closest friends at First Kids and we hadn't seen her since everybody scattered to different elementary schools.  We knew it was a Frozen themed party but had no idea that Elsa and Anna would actually be there!  The kids had so much fun singing Let it Go with the Queen and Princess and having their makeup done by them.  So cute!!!

Elsa and Anna telling the story of the movie

Time to sing and dance

Normally Emerson is totally opposed to makeup but apparently if Anna and Elsa put it on, it is great!

Em and the sweet birthday girl

Elsa autographing a coloring sheet for Em

A quick hug!