Friday, March 15, 2013

Green Party

Since St. Patty's Day fell on Sunday this year, The Academy celebrated a little early!  Everyone was supposed to wear green today and bring a green snack to share.  The girls looked so cute in their new shirts.  As soon as Braelyn saw her's she said "duck"...her's says "lucky" and then has a picture of a duck! 

Grandma and Papa thought it was hilarious when they were here that when you say "let's take a picture", the girls both run to the fireplace!  They know the drill all to well!

Our Little Gymnast

We took Emerson to a trial class at the gymnastics place close to the house last night.  She loved it!!  The class is a beginner class for 3 and 4 year olds.  She did great, in fact the teacher asked if she had been enrolled in a class at a different gym!  The only sad part of the night was that all of us went and sweet Braelyn could not understand why she couldn't participate!  We decided to go ahead and enroll Em and from now on we will take turns getting to take her and watch! 

Stretching at the start of class

Learning to hold herself up with straight arms on the bar

Going through the rules before getting on the trampoline

That is her jumping her little heart out under the 3!


Sunday, March 10, 2013

Happy Birthday Jaxon!

Jaxon celebrated his 4th birthday at Pump It Up and all the kids had a blast!  I was very surprised that Braelyn wouldn't really go on any of the inflatables by herself.  She loved the big slide as long as I went with her!  I was so hot and tired after what seemed like 20 trips up the ladder and down the slide with her!  After the party we headed to Wings N More with the Garys and the Schramms.  Needless to say the kids crashed when we got home!

Emerson LOVES Kennedy and talks about her all the time!

All the kids getting the rundown of rules before heading into the party room.

I thought she was going to get in with Emerson and then right about that time one of the big kids came climbing out and scared her to death!

Emerson had so much fun!  She was so hot and sweaty by the time it was all over!

Time for cake!

We all laughed so hard at Cooper in this picture!  He did NOT want to have his picture taken!

All the kids

The birthday boy on his throne!

Braelyn was too funny eating her cupcake!

Emerson as always ate off the frosting and left the cake...Momma's girl!

Friday, March 8, 2013

Super Heroes!

One of Emerson's little friends at school celebrated his birthday this week and brought cupcakes and party favors to school.  Emerson has had a blast with her super hero party favor!

Hold it Together Mom!

Monday marked a big day in the Brooks house and it marked a near meltdown for me...Braelyn spent her first night in her big girl bed!!!!  We moved the daybed from Emerson's room into Braelyn's room and Emerson got the big full size bed that matches her furniture.  I don't know that I was quite ready for either move.  Taking the crib apart marked the end of babies in the Brooks house!!  Even the full size bed in Emerson's room was a big move for me.  My meltdown aside, the girls loved it!!!!  It was so cute when they saw their beds for the first time.  The ran back and forth from room to room wanting their pictures taken in both beds.  They both slept great the first night in their beds.  I went in Braelyn's room on Tuesday morning before she woke up and the look on her face when she woke up was priceless...she wasn't quite sure where she was!  Emerson has thanked God for her new bed in her prayers every morning and night since seeing it for the first time!

I am still on the hunt for bedding for Emerson new big bed...her request is pink and purple!

Such a big girl!

She is so proud!

They had so much fun!  I don't know if Braelyn is too happy that she can't get on her sister's bed by herself anymore!

Snuggled up watching cartoons before bed!

Sweet baby snoozing in her big girl bed!

Sunday, March 3, 2013

Houston Rodeo

Shawn got tickets to the rodeo for Saturday night and was responsible for filling the NOV suite.  He had a few customers and then we were also able to invite our friends Andy and Leslie.  The concert for the night was Brantley Gilbert.  We had a great time at the rodeo/concert and then we went with his customers to "The Hideout" for more music and dancing.  We had so much fun!  We are getting very spoiled by the perks of Shawn's job!

Saturday, March 2, 2013

Grandparents are the BEST!!!

On Monday after Emerson's party I boarded a plane for a week long meeting in Orlando and thankfully Grandma and Papa were able to stay and play with the girls all week.  From all the reports I got, I am not sure who had more fun...Grandma and Papa or Emerson and Braelyn!  Thank you so much for all the help!!!!

Grandma and Emerson playing "princesses".

Aunt Sissy got to spend the night after Emerson's party and headed home on Sunday afternoon.

Braelyn showing Grandma and Papa her "funny face".

Grandma always has lots of fun playing dress up with the girls!  All dressed up and ready for dinner on Sunday night.

We all had dinner at Crabbydaddy's on Sunday night.

Emerson couldn't wait to get done eating so that she could go see the crab out front!

Grandma ran all over the park by the Pavillion after dinner with the girls.

Papa, Grandma, and the girls

Braelyn is just about a excited as Emerson about the new dress up clothes!

I told Grandma that I wanted Braelyn potty trained and sleeping in her big girl bed by the time I got home...they get an "E" for effort!

Emerson always looks forward to going to Incredible Pizza when Grandma and Papa come to town!

Braelyn had so much fun!

I am not sure about the expression on her face but pretty sure she is very excited about her new clothes!

Grandma and Braelyn-it always amazes me that B will leave bows on for Grandma!

Having fun baking cookies!

Practicing casting with her new fishing pole.

Kisses for Papa!

Braelyn rarely goes anywhere now without her necklaces!

I couldn't wait to get my hands on these girls!!!!

Saturday was Grandma's birthday.  It was so fun actually getting to celebrate with her!

Emerson was more than happy to help her open her present, then we all got dressed for lunch and Red Robin.