Sunday, August 29, 2010


I know many of you thought that this post would NEVER come...Emerson is actually in her Big Girl Room full time as of this weekend!!!!  Saturday morning after she got up and we got a bath I went into what used to be the nursery and stripped the linens and took her pillow, blankie, and pig into her new room as well as the monitor and rain, and closed the nursery door.  When she got ready for her nap, I went through all our usual things of closing the curtains and turning on her rain, put her in her new bed said "night, night" and closed the door.  I didn't hear a peep out of her for 3 hours!!!  Bed time rolled around and it was the same result!  When I laid her down in the floor to change her diaper she pointed to her new bed and said "mine"!  The only issue came at around 2 am.  She cried for just a few seconds, hardly long enough for me to wake up enough and get out of bed, but I went to check just to make sure all was well.  When I went in I was shocked to find her asleep on the floor!  I don't know if the cry was her falling out of bed or if she had gotten out on purpose and then couldn't get back in but I put her back in and she was still snug as a bug on her pillow when I went in at 8:30 this morning!  I never dreamed it would go so smoothly-yet again she amazed me!  On a different note the Bears won 56-30 Friday night against the team that knocked them out of the playoffs last year.  Bad Mommy of the Year forgot her camera and there were many great photo ops!  I'll do better next week!

I know it is very hard to see but I was scared I would wake her up if I used the flash!  I had to capture this monumental day though!

Mommy's big girl all ready for Sunday school after a restful night in her cozy new bed!


GranSan said...

Wow! What a big girl! I am so proud! I love the "sailboat" dress, y'all look great. Proud of those Bears too! Love y'all so!

Uncle Jeremy and Aunt Kristi said...

What a good girl!!! Tell Em we are so proud of her. Thanks for keeping this updated-stace. You are awesome! Give our girl a big kiss for us. Love you all!

Grandma and Papa said...

Yea!!! I knew she could do it. Give her hugs and kisses for us. Love ya!