Thursday, August 5, 2010

Winner: The Lion

Yesterday I had to go to San Antonio for a meeting and since Shawn is back at work, it was a pretty long day for Emerson at school.  While she was there she had a run in with a toy lion and from the looks of her eye the lion definitely won the fight!  I tried to get a picture of it but it is hard to tell-some of the damage is on her eyelid.  When I dropped her off this morning they told me what a tough little girl she is.  They had to get it all cleaned up yesterday after it happened and she hardly even cried at all through it all!

She got a sticker from the cashier at the grocery store after school today.

She is serious about her snack!

She finally let me put her hair in pigtails for school today-so cute!

I was trying to get a picture of her pigtails and eye before we left this morning and she would only let me take one if I held her!

1 comment:

GranSan said...

The pigtails are GREAT, but I am mad at the lion! Love ya'll!