Friday, August 22, 2014


In all the chaos I was determined to take the week off before Emerson started school to spend time with the girls and just be Mom.  We still had to juggle a few things to get ready for the move but it was fun just having them with me.  I made sure that Emerson got a day just for me and her to hang out.  It worked out perfect because on Thursday Braelyn's class was having a pajama/movie party so she had something fun to do while Em had her day. 

When we got back to town on Monday after their trip to Shreveport, B had her speech appointment.  When we came out, they hopped up on this bench and asked me to take their picture!

Janet sent us home with Cinnabon cinnamon rolls for breakfast...YUM!!!

Times like these I will cherish FOREVER!!!

A perfect way to wrap up summer...having a blast with your best friend!

OK Mom, enough with the pics-it's too bright!

Our special day together had to include some school clothes shopping.

I put it off til the last week because she has been growing like crazy this summer!  She looks too grown up!

No trip to the mall is complete without a carousel ride.

She loves the indoor playground at the mall.  It is great because it is too miserable outside to go to the park!

One of my favorite pics!!!

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