Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Snocone Picnic

I picked Emerson up early so that we could have a little one on one time.  She went with me to the bank, to wash the car and then we headed for snocones.  When we pulled in to get our snocones, Em said "What about Braelyn?".  I told her that today was our special day together and that Braelyn could have a snocone another day.  She said, "but Mom, Braelyn loves snocones!"  What a sweet big sister!  Since it was so warm outside, I opened up the back of the car so we could have a little "picnic".  I love times like this!  While we were there a guy drove by in a Jeep.  Em said, "Mom, his car has holes in it!"  I explained that it was kind of like Gransan's car when she puts the top down.  She said, "No, his car is just broken."  I cracked up!  The world through the eyes of a 4 year old!  Before we left we had to go back and buy another one for her to take to her baby sister!

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