Wednesday, December 28, 2011


With all the excitement of Christmas I am a little behind in posting this but our sweet Braelyn turned 6 months on December 21.  A couple of weeks before her 6 month check up, I took her in to get some advice from the nurse practioner because she was still pretty fussy and not sleeping very well at night.  She had us change her formula to the hypoallergenic Enfamil Nutramigen( a.k.a Liquid Gold!).  Within a day we noticed a difference in her.  She has always clasped her hands together so tight-her teachers at The Academy have always joked that she prays all day long...within a day she stopped doing that and was so relaxed.  It made us feel terrible to know that she has probably felt horrible for 6 months and we had no idea it was because of the formula!  She is all smiles most of the time now.  She still is not happy when it comes to being around new people, especially in unfamiliar places.  She likes to be at home with Mommy, Daddy and Em!  She can now sit up by herself and no longer needs to be swaddled to go to sleep.  She loves playing pat-a cake, especially when I have her laying on her back and do it with her feet.  She also loves to jump.  If you hold her where she is standing she starts jumping, she goes crazy jumping in her Jenny Jump Up and in the jumper at The Academy.  She still wants no part of eating cereal and we have learned that it has nothing to do with the taste of cereal...she will inhale it if we will put it in a bottle.  She just doesn't want the spoon!  At her 6 month check up, developmentally she got an A+, but we got the bad news that she had her first ear infection!  That helped explain the return of the fussiness and lack of sleep the two nights before!  She was 16 pounds 5 ounces(55%), 26 1/4 inches(74%), and her head was 16 1/4 inches(22%).

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