Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Cookie Monsters

Emerson definitely got my sweet tooth so I thought it would be fun to have our own little cookie decorating party today while Daddy went to play golf.  We had so much fun and made a huge mess! 

 Notice the lack of icing on the cookies and how clean Em is!

 The blue icing was her favorite...can't say that I blame her!

 Better taste the sprinkles first...if they aren't any good we wouldn't want them to ruin the cookies!

 I wasn't sure how she would do with this undertaking but she did great!

 Definitely my daughter-I turned to put something in the sink and turned back to find the spout on the icing in her mouth!

 She insisted that there were "E"s on several of the cookies.  I am not sure if that is to mark the ones that she is going to eat or what!

 Oooo...something smells good!  How long before I am big enough to have a cookie?!

 I love Chef Emerson soooooo much!

The best part:  taste testing!


GranSan said...

How fun! I love you cookie monsters! Save some for me!

The Goforths said...

ADORABLE! Audrey was looking at these pictures with me and said, "is she my friend? She's SO cute!"