Sunday, July 18, 2010

17 Months

Emerson is 17 months today and we are more amazed every day by the things that she is learning.  She has started learning sign language at school and so far knows "please", "more", "thank you", and "eat".  She is also learning more words, not all completely recognizable to others, but new words nontheless!  The ones that top the list are "more", "thank you", "shoes", "bow" and let's not forget "no"!  She has become a little bit more picky when it comes to eating but still is very good about eating fruits and veggies.  She has turned into quite the little mommy, now grasping the concept of pushing her baby in her stroller and feeding her baby, and any other stuffed animal or toy, from her sippy cup.  They told me that she is the same way at day care and is a mommy to those landing themselves in time-out, taking them their shoes and toys when they are in trouble!  She is getting a mouthful of teeth-11 at last count and I wouldn't be surprised if there more more in the next few days!  We are still in the midst of fixing her "big girl bedroom" so we haven't tried her in her new bed.  The room is turning out great-Shawn got the chair rail up today but it still needs to be caulked and painted.  I think she is going to love her new room!

The work in progress

Daddy did an awesome job on the chair rail.

Hard to believe how long we have been working with the room still looking the way it does!

1 comment:

Uncle Jeremy and Aunt Kristi said...

I love the color!!!! Looks like you both have been hard at work. We can't wait to see the finished product. Tell Em we love the glasses and ask her who aunt kristi's sweet baby is!