Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Day 1

In the bag for Day 1, the girls got their angels from the angel tree.  I picked two little girls, one Braelyn's age and one Emerson's age.  Right after school we set out to shop for sweet Emely and sweet Jocelyn.  I loved seeing how much fun the girls had picking out the perfect outfits and toys for these 2 kids they have never met.  Emerson insisted that we had to get cards to put in the packages.  I will definitely look forward to this every year!

What could it be?

Where else would we have started our shopping adventure other than Target?!

Hard at work making Jocelyn's card just perfect.

Miss B had a hard time processing that Emely is an actual person since we can't meet her but worked to make her card perfect just the same!

Time to deliver our goodies!

One of the best things about going to the mall...the escalator!

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