Friday, October 31, 2014

IT'S ELSA DAY!!!!!!!!

The moment we have all been waiting for...Elsa Day, aka Halloween, has FINALLY arrived!!!  Emerson's school does not wear Halloween costumes to school.  It was spirit day and she was supposed to wear a Snyder t-shirt.  I thought she would take it a little harder that Braelyn got to wear her Elsa costume as soon as she got up this morning but she seemed totally satisfied that you are supposed to wear a costume to big kid school!  Braelyn got to be a part of the annual Halloween parade at First Kids this morning and I was so thankful that she actually stayed in line with her class this time!  She was the absolute cutest Elsa there!  Her wig was PRICELESS!  After I watched the parade, it was off to Em's school for her "pumpkin investigation"(more on that later!) and then back to pick up B...whew, what a day!  We decided that a little nap was a good idea so that we would be ready for trick-or-treating with Daddy!  When Daddy got home we fueled up with some bugs in a blanket and then it was out the door for trick-or-treating.  Unfortunately not many houses in Benders seem to participate in trick-or-treating but the girls got plenty of loot nonetheless!

My first attempt at the wig was in the parking lot of school while she was eating a kolache...I'll do better for tonight!

She loves the wig but I think it felt pretty good to get it off!  She wasn't about to let me take her crown though!

Our Halloween feast-bugs in a blanket!

Prettiest Elsas I've ever seen!

Poor B kept getting caught up in her dress!

They ran as fast as they could up and down each driveway.  On the run back they were yelling a play by play of what happened to Daddy who was waiting in the car!

They had SO much fun!!!

Time to sort the loot!

Braelyn was opening faster than Daddy and I could help check!

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