Friday, July 25, 2014

Happy Anniversary to an Amazing Couple!

Jerry and Janet celebrated 50 years together this year.  All along, Jerry said that if anybody planned anything, they would be out of the will!  Finally, Jerry realized that it would be a great surprise for Janet to have all those she loved surrounding them for a special celebration.  Given everything that has been going on, I told Jerry there was no way we could be there.  Anybody who knows me knows I love a good surprise though and that these two people mean the world to me!  I would not have missed a night to celebrate the love that all marriages should aspire to!  A few nights before the party, I called Lamar, the one heading up the party planning and asked if there was room for a few more!  He was the only one who knew the girls and I were coming.  We pulled up just in time to see Gransan, Jon, Dondi, and Bailey crossing the street to the restaurant.  They could not have been more surprised when they saw us!  It was an adventure getting there after I had worked the morning, picked up the girls, and gotten dressed in the parking lot of a truck stop but we wouldn't have missed it for the world!  The only thing that would have made it better was if Daddy could have come with us but vacation days are few and far between and we really need them for the move!

Of course when the presents came out, the girls were right in the middle of the action helping Jerry and Janet open!

Braelyn took a little cat nap in Jordan's lap during the slide show!

Every one who spoke and who were on the slide show all said the same thing-throughout their marriage their priorities have been obvious:  God was always first, then each other and then their family.  The perfect formula for 50 amazing years!

It was pretty fun getting to surprise the happy couple AND Gransan!
Braelyn, Bailey, Jordan, and Emerson

They have been there for so many of our special events and celebrations over the was great to have the chance to celebrate them! 
The next morning we got to have breakfast together before the girls and I hit the rode again!

Thank you for being so much more than an aunt and uncle!  I love you both!

1 comment:

Jerry and Janet Fielder said...

We love you too, Stace!! Having you and the girls there made it even more special. So happy you were there to help us celebrate. We missed having Shawn there too. Love all the pictures you shared. Thank you!! Jerry and Janet