Saturday, August 27, 2011

First Game

Last night was the firsts Montgomery Bears game of the season and Braelyn first football game!  We weren't going to go because it is still so miserably hot even at 7:30 at night but we just couldn't miss it.  Emerson LOVES going to the games and to the after-game parties so I just had to go.  We waited to go until the second half so that it had cooled down a little bit.  Braelyn did great.  She was more relaxed at the game than she even is at home!  Emerson was awesome too...she just stood right beside Braelyn's carrier and jumped and clapped from the moment we got there.  She has obviously missed it!

 Adorable Coach's Cuties!

 See Braelyn, I told you this was going to be so much fun!

 Cannon was sick so Ashley was a huge help to me!

 How she could sleep with the heat and the band is beyond me!

 She just took it all in.

Quite possibly my most favorite picture ever!


This was so cute...she wasn't just randomly excited jumping up and down.  She was actually watching the game.  When Ashley was holding Braelyn, she said:  "Mom, get up. Jump!"

1 comment:

GranSan said...

Those are the cutest cheerleaders I have ever seen! You are super Mom! Love you!