Sunday, May 22, 2011

Playoffs Come to an End

The Bears had a great run in the playoffs but it came to an end against Magnolia on Saturday.  Emerson had a great time during the playoffs playing with KK, Kennedy, and Jaxon.  She and Jaxon were too cute together-they are only a month apart and have so much fun playing together.  While we would have loved for the Bears to have made it all the way, Emerson and I are so happy to have weekends back with Daddy!

 The Schramms brought lots of toys-Em loved Thomas the train

 Jaxon and Em practicing their sharing skills!

 Coloring with the big girls under the bleachers

 Sorry about the loss Daddy!

 Future player?

A priceless way to end the season!

1 comment:

The Goforths said...

Em is such a cutie! We miss seeing you!