Monday, January 26, 2009

Baby Brooks Update

My weekly visit was this morning and definitely less eventful than last week's visit! We had an ultrasound first and she estimated that it is already 7lbs 3oz! It was really hard to see much on this ultrasound because the baby has gotten so big not much can fit on the screen at one time. The baby has definitely dropped down quite a bit. After the ultrasound I saw the doctor and thanks to bed rest I had lost a pound or two and my blood pressure was back down. I hoped this would mean no more bed rest but he said that since it was working let's stick with it! He said that it doesn't have to be strict bed rest but to stay off my feet as much as possible. I haven't dilated at all yet but he said that all seems to be right on track!

1 comment:

Tonya Tuggle said...

Have you gone this week? STILL PREGNANT I suppose? This goes without saying but just to be sure, Call me when the baby's here!