Monday, February 16, 2009

End in Sight!

Well, yet another Monday appointment has come and gone with absolutely no change whatsoever! I didn't let myself get my hopes up too much this week but thought that there was at least a chance that things had progressed a little bit since I was at least having contractions over the past such luck! We went ahead and scheduled an induction for next Wednesday if the little one doesn't make his/her appearance this week. I am going back in next Monday to see if anything has changed. If it is still the same, we will go in next Tuesday night to get things underway but if I have progressed some we will wait until Wednesday morning to head to the hospital. One way or another, next week we'll finally know what this little one is!!


The Goforths said...

I know you are so excited!

Tonya Tuggle said...

Yay. Can't wait to find out :) hang in there. 7.5 more days!!!