Friday, March 28, 2014

Swim Lessons

After a scary experience with Emerson around a swimming pool last year, we immediately said that additional swim lessons were a priority this year.  We decided on the Y and starting out it is a class called "Swim, Float, Swim" that is basically to teach them what to do if they were to fall in a pool.  It was 30 minutes a day for 4 days.  On the first day, she was so cute.  She kept saying "Mom, I'm a little nervous!".  She didn't miss a beat when the instructor called her name to start class though and did everything that was asked of her.  One of the other Moms that was sitting by me leaned over and asked "Is she always that exuberant?!  She hasn't stopped smiling!".  We are so blessed that the answer to that question is "YES!" from the moment she wakes up in the morning til her sweet little blue eyes close at night!  I thought Braelyn would be upset about not getting to swim so she stayed with Daddy the first night.  She went with us on the second night with the plan that Daddy would meet us there to take her to dinner.  When he got there, she couldn't wait to tell him, "Sissy swim, sissy swim!!!" and Daddy quickly realized it would break her little heart to not get to watch...she watched every second from that night on!

Sweet girl waiting for her first class to start.

The one picture I got of her listening to her instructor before I was told that pics aren't allowed at the Y!

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