Saturday, December 19, 2009

A Perfect 10

Emerson turned ten months old yesterday and we would have to say that she is pretty perfect! I think that I have probably said this on every monthly update but this age is so much fun! It is so fun to watch her little personality develop. She is very determined but minds very well. She amazes me with the Christmas tree...she rarely pays any attention to it but the jingle bells will occasionally grab her attention and all I have to do is say "no" as she is reaching for it and she goes on her merry way. She has figured out how to stack her cups that my mom got her for Christmas, she gives "high 5", waves bye, and walks better every day. She loves pat-a-cake but now rather than me grabbing her hands to help her do it, she grabs my hands to help me! Most of the time she is perfectly content just playing in the floor and minding her own business. She still doesn't have a single tooth but that doesn't slow her up in wanting whatever we are eating-rumor has it that at her daycare Christmas party yesterday she had cupcakes, Cheetos, and who knows what else! We are going to hit a somewhat sad transition after Christmas...she is moving to the toddler room at daycare!!!!

Chillin' by the fire!

Cuddling with Daddy on the couch.

Everything goes in the mouth!

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