Friday, December 25, 2009

First Christmas

Our first Christmas with our little angel was so much fun. On Christmas Eve we opened our gifts and as predicted by everyone we talked to she was most excited by the bows on the packages. The very first present she opened had a silver curly-q ribbon on it and after that we could hardly even get her to open anything else because she was so caught up in the silver bow. Once we distracted her and got the bow she had a blast with all her new toys and books...thanks everybody!!! Christmas morning we got up and she got the couple of stocking stuffers out of her stocking and Shawn made breakfast and we just kept playing with all the toys!

Note the silver ribbon in the mouth!

Thanks Grandma and Papa!

Her very first Cabbage Patch even has a place to ride!

Oh my gosh I have a LuLu like my Aunt Sissy had!!!

How did Santa get these in here?!

He told me that he was coming to my house when I sat in his lap the other night!

Are you sure it is too cold for a ride outside?! GranSan would let me if she was here!

Helping Daddy with breakfast

The tires look is definitely time for a ride! PLEASE!!!

Fine, I'll settle for a ride in the living room until it is warmer.

Daddy, did you see my cute fuzzy boots from Aunt Sissy?!

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

The Nice List

We took Emerson to see Santa last night not really knowing what to expect. There was one family in front of us with 3 kids. After just a few seconds of watching them with a big smile on her face she wanted me to put her down and she started walking to Santa! When we got close to him she wanted me to pick her up again but as soon as he started talking to her she went right to him! She took several cute pictures and afterwards Santa had to get up and come over to the computer to see how they turned out...he had so much fun with her. It was soo cute!!!

I definitely think Emerson can expect Santa at our house this year!

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Saturday, December 19, 2009

A Perfect 10

Emerson turned ten months old yesterday and we would have to say that she is pretty perfect! I think that I have probably said this on every monthly update but this age is so much fun! It is so fun to watch her little personality develop. She is very determined but minds very well. She amazes me with the Christmas tree...she rarely pays any attention to it but the jingle bells will occasionally grab her attention and all I have to do is say "no" as she is reaching for it and she goes on her merry way. She has figured out how to stack her cups that my mom got her for Christmas, she gives "high 5", waves bye, and walks better every day. She loves pat-a-cake but now rather than me grabbing her hands to help her do it, she grabs my hands to help me! Most of the time she is perfectly content just playing in the floor and minding her own business. She still doesn't have a single tooth but that doesn't slow her up in wanting whatever we are eating-rumor has it that at her daycare Christmas party yesterday she had cupcakes, Cheetos, and who knows what else! We are going to hit a somewhat sad transition after Christmas...she is moving to the toddler room at daycare!!!!

Chillin' by the fire!

Cuddling with Daddy on the couch.

Everything goes in the mouth!

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Movin' and Groovin'

I know many of you were starting to think we had fallen off the face of the earth but we are still here and loving life! I have been meaning to post this update for at least a week but between being super busy and having technical difficulties with loading the video, it has taken awhile! Emerson is walking!!! She started a couple of weeks ago taking a few steps but know she is walking pretty well. If she keeps focused on her target, she can make it all the way across the living room! If she gets distracted it messes her up a bit! It is so cute!!! She is not supposed to be able to do this yet!