Saturday, February 18, 2017

Happy Birthday Sweet Em!

Our sweet Em turned 8 today!  We decided to surprise her for her party and had a celebration at the house after her soccer game.  Em has always been very big about her birthday party and very specific about what she wants.  She has been so cute leading up to the big day because she hasn't asked at all about her party.  When she woke up this morning and realized we were going to her soccer game, she was not happy at all.  She kept saying, "but it's my birthday!"  She had no idea that we most definitely were still having a party.  I left the game a few minutes early to pick up her best friend Sofia and get to the house to make sure everything was ready.  When she got home, there were plenty of soccer decorations, her best friend, and a bounce house!  Shortly after she got there, Gransan, Janet, Dondi, Bailey and Jamie all arrived to help us celebrate too!  We had the best day just getting to relax, spend time together, and celebrate a very special little girl who brings us so much joy each and every day.  We love you sweet girl! 

Our beautiful 8 year old!  How is that possible???

Bryce from next door, Braelyn, and the birthday girl on the slide.

B of course had to have her own picture with Gransan too!

I have to pinch myself every so often that this is my life!!  Am I blessed or what??!!

All the kids had so much fun with Bailey and Jamie teaching them games on the trampoline.

Bailey, Braelyn, Sofia, Em, Bryce, and Jamie

So much fun having so many special people here to celebrate!

Happy Birthday To You!

Make a Wish!

Em finally got the piñata she has wanted for years!

She loved her new mermaid blanket from Sofia.

Grandma and Papa sent fun crafts for her American Girl Doll and the Trolls movie.

Thank you Patsy!

Her new soccer shirt from Aunt Kristi and Uncle Jeremy was perfect for the soccer princess' soccer party!

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