Friday, October 21, 2016

Boosterthon 2016

Snyder's big fundraiser every year is the Boosterthon Fun Run, which I love.  There are no candy bars or cookie dough to sell.  The kids just get pledges for the number of laps they are going to run.  The week leading up to the race, they learn about being a good sport, doing your best, and the importance of fitness.  Both girls did great.  B was not too excited about the running part.  She told me that she was not going to run but ride her bike.  I explained that unfortunately, this was not a trike-a-thon like at First Kids and bikes aren't allowed!  She did great running though and completed 37 laps!  Em really amazed me and ran hard the entire time, finishing 66 laps!!!!!! 

Mrs. O'Connor leading her Superstars to the starting line.

So ready for her first Boosterthon!!

And she's off!

She took off so fast the first few laps, her side ended up hurting!  She realized that to make it 35, she couldn't go full speed!

Leia, Sofia, and B ended up holding hands and walking for a few laps.

Sophia and B

Sophia, Leia, B, and Jenna

Mrs. O'Connor's Superstars

Em's turn!  2nd grade wore crazy socks instead of decorating their shirts.

Em and Alexa

Go Em, Go!!!!

The BFFs, Sofia and Em

Mrs. McKinney's Minions

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