Monday, October 12, 2015

Emerson's 1st Bible Celebration

Our church does what are called "Family Faith Celebrations" for different milestones in life.  One of which is the "First Bible Celebration" when a child is 5 or 6 years old.  At first, I was a little stumped because Emerson has received several Bibles since she was born but the significance of this Bible is that it is given when the child is learning to read-the 1st Bible they will be reading on their own.  At the celebration, parents read a blessing to their child and then they are presented with a Bible.  One of the many things we love about Creekside is their commitment to partner with us as we work to raise children with a strong faith in Him. 

We are so incredibly proud of the young girl you are becoming.  You have such a love for other people and you bring so much joy to everyone around you with your positive attitude and contagious smile.  Our biggest hope and prayer for you has always been that you would know and love God and follow Him throughout your life.  Today is a big step in that journey.  One of the best ways to get to know God and understand His plan for your life is to read from His Word-the Bible.  It is so exciting for you to be getting your first Bible at a time when you are working so hard on your reading.  There is no more important book that you will ever read and now you can start to read from His Word on your own.  This is so important because we want you to study and develop your own faith, not just a belief from what we have told you.  Psalm 119:18 says "May God open your eyes so you see wonderful things in His Word."  As you read, you will discover so many amazing things that God has promised to those who believe and you will also be able to find answers for anything you are facing.  We will always be here for you to talk about anything and to help you in your walk.  We are also so blessed to have so many people here at Creekside that are willing to work with us as we help you grow to know more about God.  We love you so much Emerson!
Love, Mom and Dad

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