Friday, February 8, 2013

Such a Good Girl

We have always been so blessed that Emerson has been such a well behaved little girl.  We have also learned over time that positive reinforcement does wonders for her so we implemented a new system for her to keep her on track when she is away from us at school.  She gets to pick a weekend reward and if Ms. Hailee gives her a sticker for good behavior every day during the week, she gets her reward.  We are also having Ms. Hailee write down details for any day she might not get a sticker so that we know what to work on with her at home.  The first week we tried it, she chose the prize of riding the "rainbow merry-go-round".  I could only guess that she meant the merry-go-round at the mall.  We had such a good time.  On our way to the mall, she decided she wanted to get her haircut and watch TV(at Snip-its kids get to watch cartoons while getting their haircut) before going to the merry-go-round.  After the haircut and merry-go-round we topped off the reward with some Marble Slab.  Keep up the good work sweet girl!

Even when growing out your hair, a trim is always a good idea!

How did the stylist know that she wants a braid in her hair EVERY DAY?!

All ready for the merry-go-round with her new look!


Ice cream was the perfect end to a perfect outing with my big girl.

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