Monday, June 15, 2009

Several Milestones

Something happened when Em hit the 3 month mark-she started hitting milestones left and right. The biggest change is that there is no more sitting back and relaxing(notice the picture in the swing below)...if she is awake, she is in motion! As soon as she hit three months, she started actually playing with her toys. She has two of the little gyms that she lays in with the toys that hang down. She started grabbing at the toys and could actually start the music by herself. She also discovered the joy of the Exersaucer! She just works her little way around and around to all the toys, pushing all the buttons! Then came rolling over. That is when we learned how determined she is . She would roll from her back to her stomach, start getting frustrated so we would roll her back to her back. At that point she would get even more mad and turn herself back to her stomach. This continued until she rolled herself back over to her back by herself. As soon as she did, she got a huge grin on her face and didn't try to turn over any more-she had accomplished her goal and she was satisfied! She typically only rolls in one direction so she just keeps log rolling her way across the floor. She also loves to be held where she can stand up. Church is now an adventure. Before she would just sleep through it but now she just climbs all over me! Shawn can get her to giggling and it is absolutely adorable. She did all of this while 3 months, what in the world is in store for 4?! She turns 4 months on Thursday-how is that possible?!

One of the times she will actually sit still-watching TV with Daddy after she eats!

Nosy Rosy had to help me finish my weekly report for work!

I think it is time to retire the swing before she nosedives into the floor!

I never thought I would see the day she was content being on her tummy!

I think we may bypass crawling and go straight to walking!

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