Thursday, May 31, 2018

Another Amazing Year Complete!

I say it ever year, but I can't believe it is already the last day of school!  The years just keep flying by!  The girls did amazing yet again-both had straight A's for the entire year as well as all E's for conduct.  I wasn't surprised at all!  We are so very proud of them both.  To celebrate the end of the year, the Collins crew came over for a little pizza party after school.

Mrs. Tworek made the kids fun gift buckets to kick off summer fun. 

So very proud of my soon to be 2nd grader!

What a pair!

She got an award for the all A honor roll and the Awesome Author award for her awesome storytelling.

Em had a great 3rd grade year with Mrs. Maxwell.

This girl is going to rock 4th grade next year!

4 years in the same class...will it be 5???

She got the award for all A honor roll and the 100 Grand Award for being great with all things numbers related.  Perfect for my little math whiz!

I am so ready for a fun summer with these 2!

Pizza time!

So thankful for such sweet friends!

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