Friday, September 15, 2017

Braelyn's "Me Bag"

In an effort to get to know each other better, Mrs. Tworek has a "Me Bag" that a student takes home each day.  The student is supposed to fill the bag with things that tell about who they are and then the next day when they bring it back to school, they get up and tell the class about themselves using the items in the bag.  I did not help Braelyn at all and she knew exactly what she was putting in her bag.  Of course, her favorite blankie that she has had since she was a baby was a must.  She had a picture of her and Emerson from the summer and a picture of all 4 of us from Nate and Taylor's wedding.  She also had a picture of herself from her ballet recital to show that she likes ballet and a picture of the mounted patrol from the mall because of her love of animals.  The best thing that she put in the bag was a book about the Easter story.   I was so thankful Mrs. Tworek emailed me about what she said.  She said:  "I know a lot about Jesus and if you don't know about him, I can tell you about him."  At 6, she is better than I am!!  We were so very proud of her.

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