Sunday, July 12, 2015

Horses and Elephants?!

We surprised the girls with a trip to the circus today with our friends the Garys.  I don't know who loved it more, the kids or me and Shawn!!  We got there about an hour early and they actually had a lot going on down on the floor that the kids could participate in.  They could take their picture with some of the performers, other performers were teaching dances, and an elephant was playing basketball.  Once the show started, they paraded all the animals and performers into the arena and Emerson said in total amazement:  "Horses AND elephants?!  Can this circus get any better?!"  We had not seen the first act and she was completely in awe!  A little later in the show they had a white horse with wings and a black horse that looked like a unicorn.  Emerson leaned over and said "Mom, those wings are just attached to that girl's legs but that really is a real unicorn!!".  I cracked up!  I could have just spent the entire show just watching the girls' faces light up with each act that came into the ring!

Emerson, Braelyn, Peyton, and Cooper with the clown cow

Cooper and Em went out to learn the dance...Cooper danced while Emerson stood and watched!

Braelyn felt much better about things from Daddy's shoulders!

Cotton candy came in these hats which of course meant...

we HAD to have 2 bags of cotton candy!

How can they even think of taking elephants out of the circus?!

There were actually acrobats up in those clear balls!  Talk about not knowing where to look-there was so much going on at once!

An elephant doing a head stand

Emerson, Peyton, and Braelyn

The circus was sensory overload!  Braelyn crashed on the way home!

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