Saturday, March 17, 2012

Huge Helping Hand from Grandma

I had to go to Phoenix for work for a week and given how long the days would be at day care if Shawn took the girls and picked them up, we called in reinforcements!  It is hard work just keeping up with the two of them on a normal day but we decided to make it exceptionally hard by Braelyn ending up with double ear infections the day after I left!  Poor Grandma had to navigate both of them at the pediatrician's office, not to mention having to figure out how to find it!  Let's just say the Dr.'s office is not Braelyn's favorite place when it comes to looking in her ears!  Even with all of that, it seems like they had a great week!  Sadly, we don't have any pictures of Grandma WITH the girls just the pics Grandma took OF the girls!  They still managed to find time to shop so there had to be pictures of the fashion show!

I LOVE this one!  Daddy's girls!

Big smile!

Grandma said that Emerson HAD to have the jellies at Old Navy to go with her new clothes!  The pose is too much!

Looks to be REALLY upset that Mommy is not there!

I can't wait to see them in these dresses at Aunt Sissy's wedding!!!

This one twirled her way around the living room many times and then was not a happy camper about having to take off the dress!

I am going to have to walk down an aisle in front of total strangers?!  You MUST be crazy!

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