Thursday, September 17, 2009

Em and Her Shoes

Ok here is a story to give everybody a laugh. MOST girls love shoes...count Em out of that! I have never put shoes on her because the couple of times I tried when she was a lot smaller I couldn't keep them on her. Being that she is pulling up and really trying to walk I thought it might be a good idea for her to start wearing shoes. The outfit I was putting on her to go to daycare this morning happened to have a very cute pair of matching shoes so I thought I would give it a try. I put them on her and she looked down at them and then up at me as if to say "what in the world are those?"! We were running a little late so I picked her up and out we went. When I walked in, the first thing Jennifer said was "you're wearing shoes!"...obviously this was a new thing! While I put her bag up Jennifer put her down to start playing and we made the hilarious discovery that thanks to the new shoes, Emerson had forgotten how to stand up. She started trying to pull herself up on the exersaucer, like she does every day, and she couldn't figure out how to get her feet flat on the floor. Jennifer grabbed her hands to try to get her to stand up that way and her legs would just turn to jello and she would sit down. Jennifer and I were laughing so hard we were pretty much in tears. Needless to say by the time I went to pick her up the shoes were in her bag!

I really don't know about these things Mom!

1 comment:

The Goforths said...

That's one of those times you wish you had a video camera with you! Very funny!