Sunday, April 19, 2009

2 Months Already?!

Everyone told us to enjoy every second because it flies by...boy were they right! I can't believe our little princess is already two months old!! She is all smiles these days and is doing really well holding her head up. Tummy time is definitely not her favorite thing but will tolerate it a little bit better if she is more on her knees with her Boppy pillow. She is pretty much sleeping through the night-we put her down around 9:30 or 10 and she typically sleeps until 6. It is so nice to get a good 8 hours of sleep again! She gets a little fussy in the evenings but given that that is really the only time that she cries, we'll take it! She still loves bath time which usually puts a stop to the nighttime fussies. This past week she has decided that she likes to watch TV. It all started with Dancing With the Stars-she didn't take her eyes off of it. Today she sat in her swing in front of the TV watching the Astros! She is a great eater which was dramatically helped today when we changed her to the medium flow nipples instead of slow. Before, it could sometimes take her 45 minutes to eat. Today, just 15 or 20 minutes! Mommy and Daddy are learning slowly but surely!

She looked so cute this morning in the new dress that Jerry and Janet got her!

She thinks she is pretty big sitting up on Mom and Dad's bed while we worked out!

She loves for Shawn to hold her up to either stand or sit on her knees.

It is a shame she is not a happy baby!


swatterson said...

she's so stinkin' cute!!!!

Tonya Tuggle said...

she is seriously so precious. i always feel sorry for the firstborn, because they have to train the parents! i have hilarious stories of what we put poor Nadia through.