Thursday, December 19, 2019

Silly Fizzle!

 We never know where that silly Fizzle is going to turn up each morning.  He keeps us guessing from December 1 all the way til Christmas Eve!  For the most part, he is pretty well behaved with only the occasional mess when he gets a sweet craving!  This morning we found him laying down on the job in Em's trombone!!  I sure hope she doesn't need to practice today!

Class Parties

As chaotic as the schools are during class parties, I absolutely love class party days!  I love getting to see the girls with their friends and teachers and just having so much fun.  It is a little more difficult now that the girls are at separate schools but I was still able to make it for both!

Saturday, November 30, 2019

You Better Watch Out, ...!

Time to go see Santa!  The neighborhood has Santa come visit each year and it is so special, because you have 15 minutes with him to talk and take pictures.  We love seeing the girls's faces light up as they talk to him.  

Friday, November 29, 2019

We Love Decorating for Christmas!!!

We can hardly get through Thanksgiving without pulling out Christmas decorations.  I think we can all agree that Christmas is the absolute most wonderful time of the year and getting the decorations out kicks off the wonderful!  I love seeing the girls get so excited and how much they absolutely love all our traditions.  We love remembering back on when we got each new decoration and of course they each have to be put in the same spot each year.  

The final touch...the star on top!

Looks perfect Miss Em!

Great job Miss B!

We are to the point now that all ornaments aren't grouped at the very bottom of the tree!

Happy Turkey Day!

We were pretty ready for Thanksgiving break and spending time together just the 4 of us after all the traveling.  It is so fun as the girls are getting older that they can help me with cooking the feast.  I am so thankful for our sweet girls and their amazing dad and love every second we can all be together.


Monday, November 11, 2019

Girls Trip!

Shawn had a business trip in Dubai, so we decided to hit the road and go to the farm.  The girls always love riding 4-wheelers, jumping on hay, and just getting to spend time with everyone.  This time we were so excited to get to meet Emory for the first time!  

Of course, the first stop is always Johnny's Pizza!

Best cook to learn from -PHood!

The girls couldn't wait to get their hands on Emory.

She is so cute!!

They were both so good with her.

Just like a little baby doll